Programming vs. Engineering vs. Mathematics.

An experiment was conducted in order to study the differences between programmers, engineers, and mathematicians. One programmer, one engineer, and one mathematician were all locked in separate classrooms for one week. Each classroom contained all of the normal things you’d find in a classroom: chalkboard, chalk, desks, etc. In addition to that each classroom contained water, one can of food (enough to feed a person for a week), but no can opener. At the end of the week, they opened the programmer’s door first. The programmer walked out. When they looked in the classroom they saw the can beat to hell, but opened. When they opened the engineer’s door, the engineer walked out. In the classroom were a bunch of equations and diagrams written on the board, one small dent in the can which was all that was required to open it. Lastly they opened the mathematician’s door. No one came out. They looked in and saw the mathematician laying dead on the floor, the can of food untouched, and a long series of equations on the chalkboard. But at the end of the equations was written the phrase: “A solution exists”.

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